7 Gym Management Tips
Owning a fitness business isn’t only about having the best trainers in town, getting topnotch equipment or being in an ideal high-traffic location, but also about managing it well. No matter how prepared you are in building a gym, you should not miss the all-important aspect of health club management because it can make or break your business, and for that, you need effective gym management tips, which are exactly what we’re featuring in today’s post.

1. Proper Front desk:
Brief your staff about treating every client like a family member because the front desk staff you have is the first one to make an impression on people. Train them on ways on how to handle different types of members, including angry clients. You should also educate them on ways on how to handle every possible scenario, including computer malfunction and instructor no shows as well as celebrity appearances. Reward staff that handles difficult situations well and educate them about the pride of having excellent customer service. Along these lines, you should be able to train your personnel on ways to handle an angry member. There is no way to avoid coming across annoyed or disappointed members because there will always be complainers of your service, like a malfunctioning machine. Truly, a passionate reception upon entering the gym will improve the customers experience ten-fold. It will make them look forward to coming to the gym.
According to experts, a member who is unhappy and expressing his complaint is a passionate customer who is more precious than gold. He hates a service when he hates it, but loves it when he loves it. So when you encounter this type of customer, you should be able to satisfy him in a way that wins his favor.
2. Streamline The Sales Process:
Make signing up an easy and straightforward process for new members. In this case, you also have to train your staff and your personal trainers as well as establish a good website that can make the process of signing up for a gym membership easy to avoid losing potential customers. A golden rule of business: Never Make It Hard For The Customer To Give You Their Money. If they want to sign up for a gym membership, it should be easy and fast.
3. Offer Incentives To Top Performing Instructors:
Motivate your trainers by offering them rewards for doing their job well. You can offer commissions for new signups on top of their salary. This is a great motivation that can encourage them to promote your gym to more members. There is no greater feeling than knowing that you can grow your income every month, so make an incentive scheme to give top instructors a motivation to perform their job well. Perhaps, they represent your gym and get results for it by gaining new members.
4. Add Services:
While offering basic training to your club is a good thing, you can also make your business more interesting to prospects by offering them more. One of which is healthy food. Aside from personal training and group classes, many gyms have ventured into selling healthy food and smoothies to customers who enjoy snacking after a workout. Not only that you can offer members with healthy snacks, establishing a food bar for instance can give you more profits, too. This is another aspect of increasing sales and managing your health club that you may look into for a successful gym.
5. Use Space Efficiently:
Do you have underused areas in your gym? Utilize those by converting them into a more useful space (a more profitable one). For instance, you can convert a big lounge into a sales office, or you can turn a storage space into a massage or sauna room. You don’t only make money out of these underused or unused spaces but you also keep members interested by offering them a variety of services apart from training.
6. Save Energy:
Install efficient lighting for your health club. According to researchers at the UC Berkeley, 40 percent of energy usage in a gym is coming from lighting. To save on energy use, you can install motion sensor lights in tanning rooms and bathrooms, replace all incandescent bulbs with LED and CFLs and install dimmers to avoid maxing lights out.
Along these lines, you can ask the cleaning crew to come during gym hours instead of having them clean your space when it’s closed. You can consider asking them to come and clean during the slow times of the day, when they can clean without causing inconvenience to your members. In the process, you’re going to save on energy because you can make it certain that everything is really closed during closing time.
In addition, you should see to it that you update or maintain your health club’s heating and cooling system. As you know, a malfunctioning one consumes more power than the one properly cleaned and maintained. In case you don’t know yet, about 48 percent of energy consumption cost comes from HVAC systems. You should have yours scheduled for cleaning and maintenance at a regular interval to prevent them from consuming too much energy.

7. Optimize Your Equipment:
Part of effective gym management is buying topnotch equipment at reasonable prices, and this is where UsedGymEquipment.com comes in. Our company is your one-stop gym source for high quality but competitively priced gym packages you might need if you are looking to add a few more pieces of training machines in your health club. Here, you can find not only affordable but also proven quality products we’ve remanufactured to look and work as good as new. UGE can help with gym management, especially in terms of managing your expenses. With us, you are not only buying affordable equipment but you can make sure that you’ll be giving a great user experience, resulting to customer satisfaction and member retention.
Implement These Gym Management Tips & See Memberships Increasing
There you have our gym management techniques to implement for your health club to make it a successful one with smooth business operations and happy customers. Now if you need more advice and help on how to make a successful gym business by upgrading gym equipment, don’t think twice in calling or emailing us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Finally, sign up in our newsletter to keep yourself updated with the latest tips and tricks on how to manage a gym business effectively.
Call +1 (310) 638 4800 for more information today!